Erdogan’s governing ally: “I remind Swedish government that Allah is one and his army is Turkish” | Category: General Source
SelectiveSanity says Is he considering [Lindsay Lohan]( part of his army or is she his ace in the hole?
elimtevir says Settle down, Francis. You’re going to flail over someone insulting your self-help book from an imaginary Sky God?
coolluck33 says Surprisingly, Erdogan didn’t warn the Swedes to hide their young boys & virgin girls from his Almighty Army.
ButterscotchSure6589 says Wonder who nato countries would side with if non NATO Sweden was attacked by NATO member Turkey
Nivekian13 says Nato needs to seize nukes from them we paid for/ maintain, and let them pal up with Russia. Fuck these assholes.
jaybazzizzle says
Your god must be pretty weak if he needs mortals to do his dirty work
AfternoonTeaWithMrB says
Oh good, we beat him back in 1918 then.
wastelandho says
Prove it?
bUrNtKoOlAiD says
Yeah, well, that’s just like, your opinion, man.
SelectiveSanity says
Is he considering [Lindsay Lohan]( part of his army or is she his ace in the hole?
TheNaug says
The most thin-skinned religion on the entire planet.
elimtevir says
Settle down, Francis. You’re going to flail over someone insulting your self-help book from an imaginary Sky God?
buggin_at_work says
Can we muzzle this ass-hat already?
kokopilau says
What a fucking demagogue.
Darkality24 says
I would love to hear the Saudi’s opinion on Allah being turkish.
coolluck33 says
Surprisingly, Erdogan didn’t warn the Swedes to hide their young boys & virgin girls from his Almighty Army.
ButterscotchSure6589 says
Wonder who nato countries would side with if non NATO Sweden was attacked by NATO member Turkey
Neuromantul says
Things CK2 players say
RMSQM says
Religion is a cancer on modern society
Nivekian13 says
Nato needs to seize nukes from them we paid for/ maintain, and let them pal up with Russia. Fuck these assholes.