bustywivesmatter says This isn’t a popularity contest. When the voting is so split then the status quo prevails
JefferyGoldberg says God damnit CNN, the pictures clearly show she was in a casket, not a coffin. Coffin’s are shaped more like a person, and are two separate pieces, the box part and the door that sticks on. Caskets are rectangular and have a hinge for the door.
bustywivesmatter says
This isn’t a popularity contest. When the voting is so split then the status quo prevails
Wet-Baby says
Do they not embalm the dead in Ecuador?
Short_Bicycle9186 says
She was dead tired.
JefferyGoldberg says
God damnit CNN, the pictures clearly show she was in a casket, not a coffin.
Coffin’s are shaped more like a person, and are two separate pieces, the box part and the door that sticks on.
Caskets are rectangular and have a hinge for the door.