I believe there was a study years ago that said more money does increase happiness up to a certain limit. Not having to worry about paying the bills or money causing stress in relationships would definitely increase standard of living. But having so much money you don’t know how to spend it shouldn’t make anyone happier.
For the average family going from $60k to 120k probably gives you some relief, and some happiness jump.Going from $120k to $180k, doesn’t change too much, your next car is a little nicer with more bells and whistles, and your vacation hotels are a little nicer, you order out more often for dinner, but it doesn’t make you any happier generally speaking.
Well, technically they only showed that people who make more money are happier. Correlation does not prove causation. Demonstrating that the money actually made them happier would be a much more difficult and expensive study.
Diminishing returns are a thing , but those diminishing returns likely won’t happen until easily the 150-200k mark where you start to not really “need” more money for anything ever
It’s enough for a decent size family home , it’s enough for all your bills and good quality food
It’s enough for vacations occasionally along with some luxury and comfort upgrades
Oh and I will add I’m using CAD dollar not US , im sure 150-200k US is way more
Hi_Im_Dadbot says
For their next study, they’re going to check to see if eating makes people less hungry.
Relieved-Sasquatch says
I believe there was a study years ago that said more money does increase happiness up to a certain limit. Not having to worry about paying the bills or money causing stress in relationships would definitely increase standard of living. But having so much money you don’t know how to spend it shouldn’t make anyone happier.
kentro2002 says
For the average family going from $60k to 120k probably gives you some relief, and some happiness jump.Going from $120k to $180k, doesn’t change too much, your next car is a little nicer with more bells and whistles, and your vacation hotels are a little nicer, you order out more often for dinner, but it doesn’t make you any happier generally speaking.
Bolmac says
Well, technically they only showed that people who make more money are happier. Correlation does not prove causation. Demonstrating that the money actually made them happier would be a much more difficult and expensive study.
loveinvein says
I mean, yeah, I’d be a lot happier if I wasn’t constantly on the cusp of homelessness and if I could go to the dentist when I needed to.
Ground2ChairMissile says
Money can’t buy happiness. But without it, you can afford a hell of a lot of misery.
rattatally says
Well, yeah. Do you know how much alcohol and how many more prostitutes I can afford since I got that promotion?
Zxcc24 says
In other breaking news: grass is green and water is wet.
Bawbawian says
oh shit you mean the constant stress of living hand to mouth isn’t good…
going to need more studies to really get to the bottom of this.
TheTrueFlexKavana says
*♫ You say that money, isn’t everything, ♫*
*♫ But I’d like to see you live without it… ♫*
PenskeReynolds says
Money isn’t everything, but it’s way ahead of whatever’s in second place.
TheTrueFlexKavana says
More money equals more stability and the ability to weather harder times which equals less stress.
Not that hard of a concept to understand.
PhelesDragon says
Nooooooooooooooo waaaaaaaaaaaaay 😱😱😱
Omnizoom says
Diminishing returns are a thing , but those diminishing returns likely won’t happen until easily the 150-200k mark where you start to not really “need” more money for anything ever
It’s enough for a decent size family home , it’s enough for all your bills and good quality food
It’s enough for vacations occasionally along with some luxury and comfort upgrades
Oh and I will add I’m using CAD dollar not US , im sure 150-200k US is way more
D3vilUkn0w says
In other news, water is wet!