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As the old saying goes, only break one law at a time. If he knew his airspace, this pilot would’ve been fine. Fortunately, he has more bags of drugs than brain cells and fumbled his way into drug trafficking charges.
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Eirikur_da_Czech says
Game of piñata
InternetPeon says
Oooh a drug filled Piñata!
restore_democracy says
That’s not a tourist plane.
gusofk says
As the old saying goes, only break one law at a time. If he knew his airspace, this pilot would’ve been fine. Fortunately, he has more bags of drugs than brain cells and fumbled his way into drug trafficking charges.
Aggressive-Try-3707 says
That’s disgusting, where exactly?
Lemons81 says
American made, great movie 🍿
SiWeyNoWay says
o/ it’s time to paaaaaaar-taaaaaay!