Driver tried to switch places with his dog on DUI stop in Colorado town, police say | Category: General Source
ScarletPriestess says Well that pisses me off. What an asshole to drive drunk with his dog in the car.
BarnacleMcBarndoor says “Put the car in bark, step out of the vehicle and sit… stay… who’s a good dog? Yes you are! Yes you are!” -The police
Dr-Retz says Officer:License and registration. Doggo:roof. Officer:I don’t see it on the roof. I I’ll see myself out.
ScarletPriestess says
Well that pisses me off. What an asshole to drive drunk with his dog in the car.
wushudeathkick says
Common Puebloan
redfricker says
did it work
ejpierle says
That’s a bold strategy, Cotton…
BarnacleMcBarndoor says
“Put the car in bark, step out of the vehicle and sit… stay… who’s a good dog? Yes you are! Yes you are!” -The police
einsibongo says
pickanamehere says
I mean..brilliant?
CaliRecluse says
Was the dog named [Skippy](
Diligent_Ad2489 says
Jeez… The USA really did loose it’s intelligence
Dr-Retz says
Officer:License and registration. Doggo:roof. Officer:I don’t see it on the roof. I I’ll see myself out.
GenoThyme says
Was it an Uber-nese Mountain Dog or a Lyft-bradoodle?
BirdsbirdsBURDS says
“Me? Drive? Helll no I’m fucked up!”
canuckbuck333 says
It’s been a ruff day officer!
WhiskeyNicks says
“Still funny, right?”
cleopete says
That only works if the dog is sober.