From school itself? That seems fine. I would assume it to be a big distraction to many people.
Not going to weigh in on furry culture, I just think kids should be focused on their school work, not their costume and/or how their peers are dressed.
Republicans love passing laws to fix problems that don’t exist. Meanwhile, shootings are still happening at schools and I don’t think a single one has been done by a furry.
In no way will this make acting like a furry cool with kids, who famously love being told not to do certain things because it’s degenerate and the adults say so. I’m sure your daughter won’t come home, angrier than ever, because now even more kids are barking and meowing to annoy the ones like her who came to school to make fun of the furries.
BeowulfsGhost says
Republicans: busy solving nonexistent problems!
LoveChildOf3Tacos says
From school itself? That seems fine. I would assume it to be a big distraction to many people.
Not going to weigh in on furry culture, I just think kids should be focused on their school work, not their costume and/or how their peers are dressed.
puddingdemon says
The question is does the school even have students coming in as furries?
linzzzzi says
>One approach he suggested was adding language prohibiting clothing meant to “emulate a non-human.”
Leopard print is OUT babes
stupidcatname says
20 bucks says it has never happened
RockyMountainHigh- says
The pressing problems; solved.
open_door_policy says
Bet it’s going to be awkward for the mascots now.
JescoWhite_ says
What about litter boxes? Haha
copyboy1 says
I’ll take “Outrage machine fodder that doesn’t actually happen” for $1000, Alex.
zeddknite says
That stupid made up litterbox rumor finally made it to the offline reactionaries.
BaltimoreBadger23 says
Republicans love passing laws to fix problems that don’t exist. Meanwhile, shootings are still happening at schools and I don’t think a single one has been done by a furry.
glitchycat39 says
In no way will this make acting like a furry cool with kids, who famously love being told not to do certain things because it’s degenerate and the adults say so. I’m sure your daughter won’t come home, angrier than ever, because now even more kids are barking and meowing to annoy the ones like her who came to school to make fun of the furries.
Blah2003 says
first they came for the gays…
dawplucker says
Much more important than gun control.
meatmechdriver says
so cosplay is bad unless it’s tacticool gear, basically