Deputies accuse man of using Nintendo ‘Duck Hunt’ pistol to rob a business | Category: General Source
t4ct1c4l_j0k3r says Wouldn’t that gun be worth more as a collectible than what might have been in the register?
_Silly_Wizard_ says If you had a “match the mugshot to the crime” game I think I would have gotten this one right.
born2lurk says [What year is it?](
flippythemaster says Outrageous. That’s a scurrilous headline meant to mislead people! You can also use the pistol to play Wild Gunman and Hogan’s Alley.
Pathetian says Classic gamer error. The duck hunt zapper was rendered useless when the standard for televisions moved away from CRTs.
LevelHeeded says I feel an airsoft gun would be easier, cheaper, and look way more realistic. Also, anyone else feel super old realizing Duck Hunt came out almost a decade and a half before this kid was born…
ShortnPortly says
What do you mean accuse? Sounds like the dude did it.
t4ct1c4l_j0k3r says
Wouldn’t that gun be worth more as a collectible than what might have been in the register?
simpkill says
Those guns are best used to settle bets.
SchrodingersNutsack says
I hope they had a police dog that giggled at him.
_Silly_Wizard_ says
If you had a “match the mugshot to the crime” game I think I would have gotten this one right.
meatmechdriver says
Captain N has fallen on hard times
born2lurk says
[What year is it?](
flippythemaster says
Outrageous. That’s a scurrilous headline meant to mislead people!
You can also use the pistol to play Wild Gunman and Hogan’s Alley.
Corando says
If the gun didnt work in the intended game why would it work there?
Pathetian says
Classic gamer error. The duck hunt zapper was rendered useless when the standard for televisions moved away from CRTs.
JohnnyGFX says
Hah… Why did the cops zip tie it? Was that someone’s attempt at trigger locking it?
LevelHeeded says
I feel an airsoft gun would be easier, cheaper, and look way more realistic.
Also, anyone else feel super old realizing Duck Hunt came out almost a decade and a half before this kid was born…