>Massachusetts led the way in prostate massage toys, Michigan in nipple clamps, Arizona in wearable couple’s vibrators, New York in bed restraints, Ohio in sex dolls, Pennsylvania in butt plugs, and Texas in clitoral suction simulators. Wyoming purchased the fewest sex products last year.
EastlakeMGM says
That’s a lot of pressure
CaymanRich says
Finally a job I’m qualified for.
sloppyredditor says
/r/colorado mods are about to be quite bored.
LittleRickyPemba says
> Lovehoney will pay $1,000 a year to their orgasm boardmembers starting in June and will deliver them $250 worth of sex toys each and every month.
That’s ah… ok then.
NebXan says
If you’re good at something, never do it for free.
TiredHappyDad says
So I’ve just been tossing money away?
FastWalkingShortGuy says
“Massachusetts led the way in prostate massage toys”
SchrodingersNutsack says
They forgot to tell people where they were holding interviews, so nobody came.
Bokbreath says
>Massachusetts led the way in prostate massage toys, Michigan in nipple clamps, Arizona in wearable couple’s vibrators, New York in bed restraints, Ohio in sex dolls, Pennsylvania in butt plugs, and Texas in clitoral suction simulators. Wyoming purchased the fewest sex products last year.
PerfectMoobs says
Can I get 100 of these jobs/year?
Ozymandias0007 says
That’s something AI can’t take from the working class.