Typical bad stats. Probably not normalized for whether the kid had a father growing up. Definitely not normalized for whether life was decent enough for dad to be in a jokey mood.
Of course kids of stable families, living pleasant lives will statistically be healthier adults than the alternatives.
UncleVoodooo says
Haha suck it mom jokes!
AndyB1976 says
I’d send this to my kids and grandson if it wasn’t fox news lol.
JetScootr says
I feel vindicated for decades of telling jokes.
-domi- says
Typical bad stats. Probably not normalized for whether the kid had a father growing up. Definitely not normalized for whether life was decent enough for dad to be in a jokey mood.
Of course kids of stable families, living pleasant lives will statistically be healthier adults than the alternatives.
open_door_policy says
Y’all know when a joke becomes a dad joke?
It’s when it becomes… apparent.
NaBUru38 says