Couple’s viral ‘Taylor Swift Jar’ has wife paying a quarter whenever she mentions the star | Category: General Source
ghost_in_the_potato says You know you’re a true internet fandom degenerate if your mind went straight to a different kind of jar partway through the headline…
NinjaLanternShark says Hey Fox, I’d be a bazillionaire if I could get a “woke” jar on a handful of people I know.
sysadminbj says
My daughter would burn through all her money in 5 minutes….
Hockeybe says
Literally no one cares.
buzzonga says
Between the wife and I we might have 50 cents in there. Maybe.
cosmernaut420 says
Boomers are so easily amused.
[deleted] says
restore_democracy says
> Bruce Springstein
Straight to jail.
ghost_in_the_potato says
You know you’re a true internet fandom degenerate if your mind went straight to a different kind of jar partway through the headline…
NinjaLanternShark says
Hey Fox, I’d be a bazillionaire if I could get a “woke” jar on a handful of people I know.
Competitive_Lie2628 says
Oh thank god, it’s just a modified swear jar, not the other type of jar…
Ok-Seaworthiness4488 says
She who shall not be named
drblah11 says
I bet calling the news station really helped her not discuss Swift anymore