Sooo… Basically what happened is the guy had a knife, “The suspect was tased at lease twice by Huntington Park Officers but the deployment of the taser was ineffective” and as he fled with the knife the officers were scared he was going to throw it back at them at which point they shot
lifeaintsocool says
If you think this is oniony go get your head checked. This is just fucked up news.
Xerozvz says
Sooo… Basically what happened is the guy had a knife, “The suspect was tased at lease twice by Huntington Park Officers but the deployment of the taser was ineffective” and as he fled with the knife the officers were scared he was going to throw it back at them at which point they shot
voitlander says
“Oh no, he’s got a knife and can’t run away…let’s just kill him”…some police officer, probably.
fucktrutin says
“To protect and serve”.
Hot-Specialist-6824 says
How incompetent can you be at your job that you have to shoot someone, ferchrissakes they could have thrown a fucking blanket over the guy.
DoubleDickel says
The officers were stumped on how to detain the fleeing subject.