Doesn’t China subsidize drugs? It’d kind of be understandable if they just decided to not subsidize exports of these drugs.
The real question is why the U.S. subsidizes the drugs, subsidizes the insurance, and still marks up the price 1,000%.
I mean one of my medicines costs $0.80 to make, ship and warehouse a 30-day supply. With most insurances it still costs $15-$30. I know that money isn’t going to the pharmacists, because they’re treated like shit.
Go figure it cost 33 times then we’re it’s made. America pharma is just out to make as much money as they can. They could care less about the people. The aliment corporate greed
Getting approval costs **billions** in the US for clinical trials. I assume China is a lot more lax in their drug approval process. So the price may or may not be reasonable for recouping those costs.
InternetPeon says
We make everything in china and mark it up a thousand percent – this is the way the world works at the moment, such as it is.
DivClassLg says
I can’t believe our healthcare system would overcharge US patients…
lastprophecy says
Doesn’t China subsidize drugs? It’d kind of be understandable if they just decided to not subsidize exports of these drugs.
The real question is why the U.S. subsidizes the drugs, subsidizes the insurance, and still marks up the price 1,000%.
I mean one of my medicines costs $0.80 to make, ship and warehouse a 30-day supply. With most insurances it still costs $15-$30. I know that money isn’t going to the pharmacists, because they’re treated like shit.
tehLoneDude says
ONLY 33x. I’m shocked it isn’t more.
dbinkowski says
🗣️ 🎶 This is how we do it 🎶
EvelKros says
Big pharma moment
ThrashMutant says
Shhh. You’re going to trigger r/AmericaBad with your facts.
leobat says
I don’t understand why americain are ok with that
MobiusCowbell says
Repeal IP law and legalize competition. Until medical monopolies are no longer protected by the federal government, this will continue to happen.
FreddyFrogFrightener says
Imagine being the kind of person that decides to charge 33x more than necessary for a life saving drug.
Uncleniles says
America is where drug companies go to get rich because they know you are too stupid to figure out single payer medicare.
bulydog666 says
Go figure it cost 33 times then we’re it’s made. America pharma is just out to make as much money as they can. They could care less about the people. The aliment corporate greed
koromega says
Good old capitalism at it again. It’s the best system in the world right!?
ScottOld says
Everything in the USA costs far more then other countries
MakeLimeade says
This isn’t necessarily inappropriate.
Getting approval costs **billions** in the US for clinical trials. I assume China is a lot more lax in their drug approval process. So the price may or may not be reasonable for recouping those costs.
We don’t know.