The offending remark was made during a stand-up performance in Beijing on Saturday, when Mr Li alluded to two canines he had adopted which were chasing a squirrel.
“Other dogs you see would make you think they are adorable. These two dogs only reminded me of… ‘Fight to win, forge exemplary conduct’,” said Mr Li, whose stage name is House.
The punchline is part of the slogan that President Xi unveiled in 2013 as a goal for the Chinese military.
CaveatRumptor says
Heil Wang!
Seamus565 says
Don’t laugh. The GOP is heading this way if you don’t confirm to their white nationalist fascist movement…
Slave35 says
The offending remark was made during a stand-up performance in Beijing on Saturday, when Mr Li alluded to two canines he had adopted which were chasing a squirrel.
“Other dogs you see would make you think they are adorable. These two dogs only reminded me of… ‘Fight to win, forge exemplary conduct’,” said Mr Li, whose stage name is House.
The punchline is part of the slogan that President Xi unveiled in 2013 as a goal for the Chinese military.
Head-like-a-carp says
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
The military.
The military who?
The military that’s going to kill you unless you give us 2 million dollars
This joke is a killer in China
picklejuice82 says
*Furio voice* Give me two million dollars
chrisinsocalif says
China ends up being the biggest joke of all.
Crobiusk says
Royal Canadian Air Farce theme music plays*
Radiant_Ad_1851 says
DreaminDemon177 says
TIL china has stand up comedy.
Jolly-Engineering-86 says
You’ve never seen a snowflake like a Chinese snowflake.
AndrewH73333 says
When your country’s comedy is this robust you can afford to fine $2 million to comedians.