> **“For the longest time, the US has abused its own technological advantages to carry out large-scale and indiscriminate wiretapping and theft of secrets from all over the world, including from its allies,” Wang said, adding that the US is “without a doubt the world’s largest surveillance habitual offender and surveillance empire.”**
EvilRayquaza says
Pot meet kettle
freemason777 says
This is literally when your sibling touches you and then screams ‘moom they’re touching me ‘
zwaaa says
Dude. We have satellites. We don’t need balloons.
Pharya says
> **“For the longest time, the US has abused its own technological advantages to carry out large-scale and indiscriminate wiretapping and theft of secrets from all over the world, including from its allies,” Wang said, adding that the US is “without a doubt the world’s largest surveillance habitual offender and surveillance empire.”**
At least this one part is 100% fact
Here2Derp says
….the next war’s gonna start over balloons isn’t it?