This is the same mayor who made liquor stores close earlier to prevent people from congregating outside liquor stores at night. She has a bizarre understanding of the city’s problems and bizarre solutions for those problems.
She also diverted Covid relief funds to the police, so she’s not only a lunatic, but also a complete asshole.
the_dudeNI says
Is that a zombie?
Kind_Bullfrog_4073 says
Good ole victim blaming
mrbbrj says
Walk naked so they cant rifle thru your pockets
Bumm_by_Design says
If you don’t become a victim, our crime doesn’t go up.
Dowfoberts1984 says
Let them eat cake mayor.
Bayoffun says
Is she half human half ghoul?
tc_spears says
DJNickiBlake says
Does LL ever sleep?
TAG_8-5 says
This woman looks like a damn crackhead. It’s actually Dave Chappelle!!!! I knew it!
medlifechick says
How would muggers know if you have cash or not? They won’t know until they mug…
paraworldblue says
This is the same mayor who made liquor stores close earlier to prevent people from congregating outside liquor stores at night. She has a bizarre understanding of the city’s problems and bizarre solutions for those problems.
She also diverted Covid relief funds to the police, so she’s not only a lunatic, but also a complete asshole.
Atomsteel says
Don’t carry cash filthy Hobittses!!!
– Mayor Gollum
kiakro says
Oh shit, it’s Beetlejuice’s mom!
formerNPC says
Another clueless politician with no concept of reality. She’ll probably run for president someday!
Least_Tie_3776 says
Black Beetlejuice