Wear-Fluid says Defending? Weren’t they killing gay people not to long ago and now he’s involved in the war with ukraine. This is definitely the proper sub to post this.I am still trying to figure out the mental gymnastics
BostonDrivingIsWorse says [Is this your cat?](https://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2016/may/24/john-oliver-mocks-hbo-chechen-leader-over-his-lost-cat-video)
thehim says
Putin’s regime is giving the Nazi’s a run for their money on the pure evil front
Wear-Fluid says
Defending? Weren’t they killing gay people not to long ago and now he’s involved in the war with ukraine. This is definitely the proper sub to post this.I am still trying to figure out the mental gymnastics
bravotipo says
decorated by who, Voldemort?
Lingua_Blanca says
Hilary Swank’s buddy. Are they sure it wasn’t for defeating human rights?
BostonDrivingIsWorse says
[Is this your cat?](https://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2016/may/24/john-oliver-mocks-hbo-chechen-leader-over-his-lost-cat-video)
GlobalTravelR says
Man looks like a walking cartoon villain.