Just saw the video. It’s incredibly tame, especially the Church part. My conclusion? Let him go! There are tons of issues in the Catholic Church, this isn’t one of them.
Demoted. He can probably just move to the next county and get the same job next week. Oh wait this isn’t a cop. He can probably stay there and get his job back when the heat dies down.
Mobius_42_616 says
Just saw the video. It’s incredibly tame, especially the Church part. My conclusion? Let him go! There are tons of issues in the Catholic Church, this isn’t one of them.
Them___Bones says
Saw the video, girl is too old by church standards
tanoathome says
Watched the music video last week and was surprised they let her film at a church. Was waiting for the backlash (not that I think it is deserved)
Efficient_Island1818 says
Just “demoted,” meanwhile it appears that actual serious transgressions are rarely addressed or properly held accountable.
dysfunctionalpress says
he should have just stuck to diddling the altar boys, like everyone else. no problem.
MoochoMaas says
Worry/do something about videos, not molestation ?!
lauravondunajew says
so this is what gets you in trouble as a priest… i knew there was something!!!
Exnixon says
I’m not familiar with all the weird Catholic stuff, can someone ELI5 what is supposedly blasphemous about the video?
EffectivePrior4414 says
Well, they have to draw a line somewhere I guess. Priests molesting kids is fine but lewd videos of consenting adults in church is unacceptable.
Baron_of_Evil says
The song is so mid
Nice_Marmot_7 says
“alleged defilement.” BRB, starting a death metal band.
Inspect1234 says
Demoted. He can probably just move to the next county and get the same job next week. Oh wait this isn’t a cop. He can probably stay there and get his job back when the heat dies down.
AanthonyII says
“Lewd” is used very loosely here
anhedonia_is_pain says
Watched the video. What’s lewd about it? The exposed shoulders??
MealApart1969 says