Bored Ape NFT event leaves attendees blind and sunburnt by aggressive light show | Category: General Source
Doctor_Amazo says Which makes them now the perfect customers for more Bored Apes. Also…. how sad that these folks are still trying to make Bored Apes a thing.
OptimusSublime says Have any of these attendees actually made any profit on these? Or is this just a geek convention with extra steps?
LongBongJohnSilver says
I’d expect something like that to happen hanging out with these people.
Pelt0n says
That’s what you get for looking at NFTs you don’t own smh
Level69Warlock says
Blinded by the light
Ripped off like a douche
Went to the grifter show tonight
kapege says
See Big Clives explananation to it:
RosieQParker says
The deep fucking value of hickory smoking your corneas.
APiousCultist says
NFT: Nasty Fucking Tan
MechanicalHorse says
Bored Ape NFT event? Jesus Christ.
WraithCadmus says
Those things are real eyesores.
Doctor_Amazo says
Which makes them now the perfect customers for more Bored Apes.
Also…. how sad that these folks are still trying to make Bored Apes a thing.
SweatyTax4669 says
I’m honestly just surprised anyone is going to an event like this in 2023.
kolodz says
Only 1% affected… on 2500 participant…
helloryan says
The real news here is that NFTs are still a thing.
Music_City_Madman says
If you were stupid enough to buy NFTs, yes, you deserve this 1000%
OptimusSublime says
Have any of these attendees actually made any profit on these? Or is this just a geek convention with extra steps?