If you’re being this transparent, why choose the 1970s? Why not just say Black History Month can’t discuss anything before Barack Obama became president and racism in America was solved forever?
Also, does this mean that teachers could just discuss the rest of Black history during the non-Black History Month months? Could this actually be a 5head big brain move by the school board to make Black history a valid and important part of the curriculum in every month of the school year?
Alabama, Florida, et al: Black history began after the Civil Right Act, after which there was no institutionalized racism, we’re also actively working towards completely nullifying the Civil Rights Act because it is too woke and divisive. We’re sure everything will be fine because no one has any idea what occurred during these dark ages anymore.
CSGB13 says
Christ that’s painfully stupid
sarduchi says
Everyone knows history started on Jan 1st 1970. (this is a UNIX time joke)
GoodieTreeheart says
The actual fuck………..?
puddingdemon says
Oklahoma tried to ban all schools from teaching about African and native Americans before 1970. This isn’t new
aescobar32 says
Can we do the same with religion?
coolluck33 says
I’m willing to bet that the administration that passed this stupid policy is majority Caucasian, election denying Republicans.
Rosy2020Derek says
Apparently not.
Darehead says
“And on the 2,190,000th day, God created black people.”
wtfburritoo says
Alabama just being Alabama. That entire corner of the country is a cesspit.
BabyLegsOShanahan says
That’s how they teach history anyway. Nothing happened before white Europeans.
passinghere says
Shame the OP altered the headline in direct contradiction to rule 1
> Do not alter headlines; copy and paste.
Genuine headline is
> 200 students stage walkout at Hillcrest High School in protest over Black History Month program
valgrind_error says
If you’re being this transparent, why choose the 1970s? Why not just say Black History Month can’t discuss anything before Barack Obama became president and racism in America was solved forever?
Also, does this mean that teachers could just discuss the rest of Black history during the non-Black History Month months? Could this actually be a 5head big brain move by the school board to make Black history a valid and important part of the curriculum in every month of the school year?
Realistic-Original-4 says
Teaching black history will not be tolerated during black history month.
FriesWithThat says
Alabama, Florida, et al: Black history began after the Civil Right Act, after which there was no institutionalized racism, we’re also actively working towards completely nullifying the Civil Rights Act because it is too woke and divisive. We’re sure everything will be fine because no one has any idea what occurred during these dark ages anymore.
x-munk says
Gosh, it’s probably going to get pretty awkward when we get to the birthday of that guy we can’t talk about anymore.