Damn. Maybe my mom should have sued the movie theater that ate their print of *Ice Age* for my sixth birthday party, leaving 20-30 kindergarteners to our own devices at an empty movie theater for two hours. She could probably get at least $50 for that.
When my son was in Cub Scouts the father of one of the boys (an attorney) threatened the scout master with a lawsuit because one of the other boys had snatched his sons hat and run off with it.
I wouldn’t want my name to be associated with something so petty. You win the battle but you lose the war, especially if other services refuse to serve her in the future.
ZhugeSimp says
It’s not about the money but the message
T3canolis says
Damn. Maybe my mom should have sued the movie theater that ate their print of *Ice Age* for my sixth birthday party, leaving 20-30 kindergarteners to our own devices at an empty movie theater for two hours. She could probably get at least $50 for that.
ztreHdrahciR says
And Canadian Dollars, so 28 USD, for reference
maddieterrier says
How in the world did someone manage to write 17 paragraphs about this boring waste of everyone involved’s time?
regular6drunk7 says
When my son was in Cub Scouts the father of one of the boys (an attorney) threatened the scout master with a lawsuit because one of the other boys had snatched his sons hat and run off with it.
jxj24 says
Paid in Chuck E Cheese prize tickets.
Political_Fishbulb says
I wouldn’t want my name to be associated with something so petty. You win the battle but you lose the war, especially if other services refuse to serve her in the future.
ofalltheshitiveseen says
Alt title “Karen complains about Karen things”
Ferreteria says
This is so petty it’s not even worth a /r/nottheonion article.
To be fair, so is this comment.