I used to work in organ and tissue donation, and at first I thought that this was a non-story. Bodies donated for science are used for research, and testing how roadside bombs affect physical humans is important research.
And there is always a consent form. Many people don’t really read or listen to the consent form, so I just figured they agreed without knowing what was possible. So from the headline, I just figured it was business as usual.
Then I read the article.
First, they did not consent to research involving explosions.
Then, this:
>The donation center is no longer operating. It was raided in 2014 by the FBI following accusations that it was selling donated bodies for profit. It was during the 2014 raid the agents made several horrific discoveries, including a woman’s head sewn onto a male torso, dismembered limbs and heads strewn about and a cooler filled with male genitalia.
This is a horror show, and the people who did this belong in prison.
This is an extremely notable fact from the article:
>According to Reuters, at least 20 bodies donated to BRC were sold off to the army for blast experiments without their family’s consent. The bodies were sold for around $5,893 each.
It would be far better if the families of the deceased were allowed to receive that money.
not the blast testing, that is awesome and is what I want my body to be used for after harvesting whatever the alcoholism and cheeseburgers didn’t completely destroy.
the fact that we aren’t legally allowed to sell our own remains but it’s legal for the military to buy them. why the fuck can’t I get my cut?
make that shit legal and the rights to my leftovers will be on necrophilic eBay tomorrow.
itzhope says
That should be a special category of scientific research lol
BudMcLaine says
A lot of bodies “donated to science” are used for this kind of stuff. They don’t usually let you pick what kind of science they use it for, I guess.
dudewhydidyoueven says
”BRC’s owner, Stephen Gore, pleaded guilty…”
That name made me double check if I was reading the Onion.
bodhidharma132001 says
The gubment blowed up my momma
ellsammie says
I am totally signing up for that. Or the body farm at Quantico. Nice to have options.
DanMelb says
At least she went out with a bang
Hi_Im_Dadbot says
If you donate your body, can you specify that you want this?
GetlostMaps says
This story is three years old. Gtfo
themeatbridge says
I used to work in organ and tissue donation, and at first I thought that this was a non-story. Bodies donated for science are used for research, and testing how roadside bombs affect physical humans is important research.
And there is always a consent form. Many people don’t really read or listen to the consent form, so I just figured they agreed without knowing what was possible. So from the headline, I just figured it was business as usual.
Then I read the article.
First, they did not consent to research involving explosions.
Then, this:
>The donation center is no longer operating. It was raided in 2014 by the FBI following accusations that it was selling donated bodies for profit. It was during the 2014 raid the agents made several horrific discoveries, including a woman’s head sewn onto a male torso, dismembered limbs and heads strewn about and a cooler filled with male genitalia.
This is a horror show, and the people who did this belong in prison.
Chaos-Pand4 says
Here lies Irma Vale
Cold and dead
Or at least
Lies here her head
We found her feet
Over by the tree
By that stream
We found a knee
By that rock
We found a hand
Irma is scattered
Across the land
Her soul is in heaven
And it got there fast
Assisted travel
By dynamite blast
But some of Irma
Still lingers on
A fine red mist
Scattered on the lawn
vineyardmike says
>BRC’s owner, Stephen Gore, pleaded guilty to illegal control of an enterprise in 2015 and is currently serving probation.
Guy’s name is “Gore”.
The simulation is getting lazy.
MelbaToast604 says
I mean I would sign up for this, but would be horrified if it was done without me explicitly stating so
Tha_Watcher says
This is an extremely notable fact from the article:
>According to Reuters, at least 20 bodies donated to BRC were sold off to the army for blast experiments without their family’s consent. The bodies were sold for around $5,893 each.
It would be far better if the families of the deceased were allowed to receive that money.
Riegel_Haribo says
From 2019
Was removed as a repost from this subreddit four years ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/ckd06m/arizona_man_shocked_to_find_out_his_mothers/
alexjaness says
this is so disgusting.
not the blast testing, that is awesome and is what I want my body to be used for after harvesting whatever the alcoholism and cheeseburgers didn’t completely destroy.
the fact that we aren’t legally allowed to sell our own remains but it’s legal for the military to buy them. why the fuck can’t I get my cut?
make that shit legal and the rights to my leftovers will be on necrophilic eBay tomorrow.