Thanatofobia says Nothing says “i’m totally innocent!” than trying to intimidate your accusers and having your legion of simps send them death threats, right?
fourfourzero says so up till now he’s been doing her a favor by NOT pressing charges? what a kind man.
Ardothbey says
canuckcowgirl says
The jawless asshole says what? Hey Romania……keep him for as long as you can.
Scoobydoomed says
Isn’t that considered witness tampering or something?
dulce_3t_decorum_3st says
Those are the actions of a psychopath
NorthImpossible8906 says
I threaten legal action against Andrew “taint” Tate.
kisukes says
Guess they should counter sue for Tate’s entire fortune 🙃
schmo006 says
🎶 just don’t look 🎶
snoryder8019 says
An unwelcomed dick in your butt can make you do strange things
Plonsky2 says
Who’s he again?
Thanatofobia says
Nothing says “i’m totally innocent!” than trying to intimidate your accusers and having your legion of simps send them death threats, right?
fourfourzero says
so up till now he’s been doing her a favor by NOT pressing charges? what a kind man.