If anything was going to get sued to oblivion, it was a business that threatened the jobs of thousands of lawyers. You’re giving incentive to people to sue you who do that for a living.
This just in, company PR team drums up news articles with non-existent tech.
DontPay comes up in my google searches a lot. I don’t find the advice particularly useful so assuming they already use AI to help research and write articles, having the realtime version cant be better.
Lawyer is the prime job to be done by robots in the future. That’s going to be an interesting power struggle as lawyers and large rich corporations fight against automation while the average person sits idly by as they’re blasted by propaganda about how bad robot lawyer automation is.
BigOmet says
If anything was going to get sued to oblivion, it was a business that threatened the jobs of thousands of lawyers. You’re giving incentive to people to sue you who do that for a living.
Chard069 says
Our robotnik masters will be most displeased by this attitude. Watch for cybernetic vengeance. Y’all have been warned. Have a nice day. 😎
AllHighAustin says
These are the types of jobs AI SHOULD be replacing.
KaisarDragon says
But these lawyers won’t make a peep when robots replace other jobs…
Mobely says
This just in, company PR team drums up news articles with non-existent tech.
DontPay comes up in my google searches a lot. I don’t find the advice particularly useful so assuming they already use AI to help research and write articles, having the realtime version cant be better.
microgiant says
Huh. I didn’t think that thing would work, but apparently the actual lawyers did, or they wouldn’t have bothered going after it.
theriveryeti says
It’d be a good head start for citing other cases, assuming AI doesn’t already do that.
mexodus says
But can they serve up a heaping spoon of Maine justice?
mvcv says
Lawyer is the prime job to be done by robots in the future. That’s going to be an interesting power struggle as lawyers and large rich corporations fight against automation while the average person sits idly by as they’re blasted by propaganda about how bad robot lawyer automation is.
Wait, did I say power struggle? I meant massacre.