Alaska woman pleads guilty to killing ‘best friend’ after man catfished her and offered to pay $9 million for murder videos | Category: General Source
Boobsiclese says That’s the victim pictured. The evil POS that did this actually recruited other evil PsOS to help her.
genryou says Did she even get a deposit? Like 4 mil Depo at least? I know some people are critically desperate, but you would be pretty fuck up in the head to kill someone from empty promise of money.
Wpgjetsfan19 says
Damn. 😔 poor girl
[deleted] says
Boobsiclese says
That’s the victim pictured.
The evil POS that did this actually recruited other evil PsOS to help her.
MyWifeDontKnowItsMe says
Goddamn. The killer looks like a thumb in a wig.
genryou says
Did she even get a deposit? Like 4 mil Depo at least?
I know some people are critically desperate, but you would be pretty fuck up in the head to kill someone from empty promise of money.