Alabama Democrats want to ban employers from forcing workers to get microchipped | Category: General Source
NaterBater2011 says I’m waiting for Fox News to respond with a counter offensive argument against these Democrats. “DeMoCrAts wOnt LeT U gET ciHPPed”
jayfeather31 says This appears reasonable, and still leaves open the possibility for voluntary microchipping.
the_simurgh says why are the republicans down in alabama allowing this i mean for fuck sakes the crazy sob’s have been afraid of getting micro-chipped by the government before it was even possible to do it.
PatrickAplomb says
Seems reasonable
NaterBater2011 says
I’m waiting for Fox News to respond with a counter offensive argument against these Democrats.
“DeMoCrAts wOnt LeT U gET ciHPPed”
JimC29 says
How many times is this going to get posted here?
jayfeather31 says
This appears reasonable, and still leaves open the possibility for voluntary microchipping.
ddr1ver says
Why would they need to microchip you? They can just give you a company phone.
the_simurgh says
why are the republicans down in alabama allowing this i mean for fuck sakes the crazy sob’s have been afraid of getting micro-chipped by the government before it was even possible to do it.
iammaxhailme says
inb4 some shithead goes “BuT tHeY cAn mAke YoU gEt a CoViD VaCcInE”