…in light of certain “incidents” involving organized religion, I’m not so sure this is 100% a bad thing, although it MIGHT be killing a fly with a sledgehammer.
This is literally incompatible with the faith. You can’t just replace the priest at the Mass. AI cannot act *In persona Christi*. There’s also no apostolic succession.
I could see AI being a really good Spiritual director though. But I wouldn’t trust one as a confessor unless it was completely self contained and incapable of storing conversational history. This seems like a bad idea.
*edit: yo, could you all quit it with the bad-faith ‘gotchas’? You’re literally contributing nothing to this conversation.
Mlmmt says
And this is a bad thing?
jayfeather31 says
…in light of certain “incidents” involving organized religion, I’m not so sure this is 100% a bad thing, although it MIGHT be killing a fly with a sledgehammer.
zom105 says
I am imagining an AI learning religion from religious websites….I kinda want to watch it happen LOL..
Hi_Im_Dadbot says
So, it’ll be a fake person talking about another fake person?
GloatingSwine says
If your job is mostly about empathy and human understanding and you can manage to lose it to an AI then maybe you’re shit at your job.
Is12345aweakpassword says
AI can’t molest children, so I’m all for it
Hishui92 says
The children will be… Slightly safer
Larkson9999 says
Oh no… Anyway.
johnphantom says
LOL AI’s forte is bullshit! Fits quite nicely, doesn’t it?
Umikaloo says
From the moment I saw the weakness of the flesh it disgusted me.
Ahh, THX 1138.
iChronocos says
I, for one, welcome our new robotic clergy. I would definitely go to a church with Johnny V as pastor.
otakunorth says
forgive me father I have sin()
GallantChaos says
This is literally incompatible with the faith. You can’t just replace the priest at the Mass. AI cannot act *In persona Christi*. There’s also no apostolic succession.
I could see AI being a really good Spiritual director though. But I wouldn’t trust one as a confessor unless it was completely self contained and incapable of storing conversational history. This seems like a bad idea.
*edit: yo, could you all quit it with the bad-faith ‘gotchas’? You’re literally contributing nothing to this conversation.
PhilosopherDismal191 says