This is what Christians get for lobbying to have religious clubs in schools. It’s so short sighted for them to think they can start mixing religion into schools and also control what religion that is.
If only someone would have had the foresight to setup some kind of separation of church and state… wait… they did? Well what stupid assholes screwed that up?
Personally, if they’d had these when I was a kid I’d have jumped at the opportunity to join a Satan club just to piss off all the pain in the ass, sanctimonius christian clowns I was stuck in school with.
Why stop with Satan Clubs? Let’s get the Pagans in on the action. Odin or the Horned God seem like they’re due for a revival. Or Witchcraft Clubs. Witchy stuff is all the rage on social media, after all. Maybe a Luficerian Club for your more spiritual, philosophical, and ultimately pompous Devil lover. If Evangelical Christians really want to break down the walls separating Church and State, let them choke on it.
It’s so impressive that, at this point, evangelical christians don’t stop and think, “how will this new rule we made allow satanists to troll the hell out of us?”
Arigato_MrRoboto says
doctorhino says
This is what Christians get for lobbying to have religious clubs in schools. It’s so short sighted for them to think they can start mixing religion into schools and also control what religion that is.
CaymanRich says
If only someone would have had the foresight to setup some kind of separation of church and state… wait… they did? Well what stupid assholes screwed that up?
Northman67 says
You reap what you sow Christians.
mywifesoldestchild says
Expect peace loving Christians to physically assault or shoot up these clubs any day now.
TjW0569 says
>The school received a bomb threat days after the club had its first meeting.
Nothing says good Christian values like threatening to kill children.
-DementedAvenger- says
I just love that it’s called ASS Club.
RumandDiabetes says
Personally, if they’d had these when I was a kid I’d have jumped at the opportunity to join a Satan club just to piss off all the pain in the ass, sanctimonius christian clowns I was stuck in school with.
MrFuriousTheEpic says
black641 says
Why stop with Satan Clubs? Let’s get the Pagans in on the action. Odin or the Horned God seem like they’re due for a revival. Or Witchcraft Clubs. Witchy stuff is all the rage on social media, after all. Maybe a Luficerian Club for your more spiritual, philosophical, and ultimately pompous Devil lover. If Evangelical Christians really want to break down the walls separating Church and State, let them choke on it.
Ironbird207 says
Bomb threat for talking about local animal populations, geez
pinkarroo1 says
Good less Christians
jlmckelvey91 says
I follow the Satantic Temple on various social media platforms, and these seem like really wholesome groups for the kids.
ExileOC says
It’s so impressive that, at this point, evangelical christians don’t stop and think, “how will this new rule we made allow satanists to troll the hell out of us?”
AuburnElvis says
>and are not likely to slow down
Like, ever? It will just keep trending upwards until every child is in one? That seems unsustainable.