ACLU suing Saucon Valley School District over district’s decision not to allow After School Satan Club | Category: General Source
Tubthumper5 says The school district is going to lose this one. Or they will have to shut down other clubs. Those are the only two possible ways this plays out.
person749 says It’s a faux club. There’s likely one kid in it and when the lawsuit ends they’ll just close it down, regardless of the outcome.
Tubthumper5 says
The school district is going to lose this one. Or they will have to shut down other clubs. Those are the only two possible ways this plays out.
Julik007 says
Freedom of religion, as long as it’s not the ones that we don’t like
NervousJ says
Bro he got beat by a redneck with a violin
Vercentorix says
Saucon deez lawsuits, amirite?
person749 says
It’s a faux club. There’s likely one kid in it and when the lawsuit ends they’ll just close it down, regardless of the outcome.