It’s either Scott Pilgrim or Wallace Wells, one of them must have moved out and the other can’t afford the apartment anymore unless they find a bed mate.
I’m Dutch, and housing has been a problem even before 33 percent of available houses went to immigrants, but 20 years ago I had to rent something and there was this one guy, super weird, who rented out his living room as he was always in his bedroom anyway
80sixit says
It’s either Scott Pilgrim or Wallace Wells, one of them must have moved out and the other can’t afford the apartment anymore unless they find a bed mate.
we_are_all_bananas_2 says
I’m Dutch, and housing has been a problem even before 33 percent of available houses went to immigrants, but 20 years ago I had to rent something and there was this one guy, super weird, who rented out his living room as he was always in his bedroom anyway
Noped the duck out, lol