A red California county has no way to conduct elections after dropping voting system | Category: General Source
Jampine says Was this intended? Without elections, how can you be voted out of power? Does this make the county a dictatorship now?
Kaitensatsuma says
Infernalism says
The system is so rigged, it ceased to exist!!11
Independent-Canary95 says
They will just blame Hillary again.
RockyMountainHigh- says
Shasta county. Not surprised. They’re probably planning a breakaway state.
Mitthrawnuruo says
I, for one, welcome this experiment in complete non-government.
TheKrakIan says
I’ve been owned.
uisqebaugh says
Removing the fundamental tools fo democracy is a feature, not a big, in their views.
Jampine says
Was this intended?
Without elections, how can you be voted out of power?
Does this make the county a dictatorship now?
Ande64 says
Apparently someone hit the delete button on Hunter’s laptop and this happened!