A kidnapping victim is going to jail. The reason? Asking for a bribe not to testify | Category: General Source
wtfsafrush says [ah, the ol’ Reddit extortaroo](https://reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/119bh2f/_/j9p05hs/?context=1)
Fetlocks_Glistening says You know most kidnappings are bad on bad, like drug dealer debts to each other. So no surprise really
bishop0408 says
Not the smartest victim in history
wtfsafrush says
[ah, the ol’ Reddit extortaroo](https://reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/119bh2f/_/j9p05hs/?context=1)
Fetlocks_Glistening says
You know most kidnappings are bad on bad, like drug dealer debts to each other.
So no surprise really
Merv71 says
TLDR: someone got arrested for breaking the law.