Art3mis_the_third: How long did it take?
thr2024: That’s incredible
mamaguebazo: Please, let me be alive when these printers are as affordable as regular ink printers.
Rhino887: Damn that is satisfying to watch.
erksmit: Your printer reaches further than the build plate?
CopperNT: How big is it?
Papa_Hemingway_: That machine just pooped out a space ship
MoustacheMug: The Star Wars Theme music was going through my head as I watched this, pretty epic!
cdb1337: You wouldn’t download a millennium falcon, would you?
treejanitor: While it was printing, I was playing the Star Wars theme in my head.
mcvekz: r/oddlysatisfying
Randomonium5: I want one pleeeeeeeeeease
themattcrumb: That was simply beautiful.
mfdrums: Would love a link to the .stl file for this…
JustLinkStudios: Either that’s a small falcon, or that’s a big fuck off expensive printer.
Lee_Ars: Man, that _is_ incredible. The Makerbot Replicator 2 I spent a few months fucking with would spaghettify and shit itself after a max of 7-8 hours. Didn’t appear to matter what the design was, how much overhang it had, how complex it was, whether i had supports on or not, or what kind of filament I used…it would start streaming spaghetti after a few hours on any long print.
But that was in 2013. Apparently things suck less now!
codefox22: I get the feeling more and more, if we reach the level of technological advancement to have fleets of star ships, their actual construction will look more like this than anything else familiar to us.
Lamanitis: Nice try, that’s clearly the Ebon Hawk.
gth746x: About half way through I checked to make sure this wasn’t on r/gifsthatendtoosoon was presently surprised.
xanatos451: Anybody else watch the crack in the window to see how many days it took?
ThexGreatxBeyondx: Can we stop calling them 3D printers and start calling them replicators? So much easier. And cooler. Who’s with me?
90sBrooklyn: Life is getting scary. When I saw self driving cars and didn’t even think shit of it I knew we are fucked.
dynamojoe: I babysit my printer for just about everything. I can’t imagine a ten-day print.
krazy_dragon: Really wanna see it reversed
SilentImplosion: That was way kewl the way you could see Han and Chewy in the cockpit. Incredible.
golgol12: That is a very big build.
superben79: How much?
newtonslogic: Ok, how much?
GladiatorJones: Yeah. That was really interesting. I thoroughly enjoyed that.
Obietron: It would be cooler if the interior was a replica as well
DrEnthusiasm: How many failed attempts? I can’t even dream to print something like that.
yurpdadurp: This is cool
DisturbedPuppy: I like how you can see how many days it took by watching it get dark and then light through the window.
SneakyLynx: Um. Did anyone else notice the radar dish wasnt the same In the finished shot?
[screen shots](
Martian9576: Is the item from the 3D printer made of plastic?
croixian1: Shut up and take my money!
RBedlam: I wonder how long that took to print? 12 parsecs perhaps?
WickedTriggered: At the beginning of the video i liked banged chicks and blow. By the end i had an uncontrollable urge to put a lightsaber in my butt. Not all the way. I’m not a sick bastard. Just the tip.